Sky in grey

 We were surprised for the (lets hope) last snow this year. Nordic spring, still cold, dirty snow, streets covered in mud during the day and ice during the night. Also a few sunny days that make us believe the worst is over when a small night snow fall, bringing us back to march

I go out to the baranda with a cup of the, to enjoy the white landscape and I smile thinking in other latitudes where spring is already in.

Dumped wet and momentary on a dull ground
that’s been clear but clearly sleeping, for days.
Last snow melts as it falls, piles up slush, runs in first light
making a music in the streets we wish we could keep.
Last snow. That’s what we’ll think for weeks to come.

Stubborn calendar of bone. Last snow. Now it must always be so.
Nos sorprende la que esperamos sea la ultima nevada del año. Así es marzo, entre escarcha, nieve sucia y calles llenas de lodo que se convierte de nuevo en hielo durante la noche. Con unos pocos días soleados que nos hacen creer que lo peor ya pasó y una nevada nocturna que nos devuelve a la realidad. 
Me animo a sacar del closet lo que he comprado en las rebajas y después lo vuelvo a guardar con impaciencia. Salgo al balcón a contemplar otro paisaje blanco, mientras sonrío pensando que en otros lugares del planeta ha llegado ya la primavera.

Jacquard knit purple dress: Jc Jeans / blue turtleneck: Gina Tricot / Blue tights: Pierre Roberts / pastel pink boots: Capa de Ozono /
earings : Ana Rosa Aceves


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