Bizzare case of stripes


Completely covered with stripes
Camilla Crayon
Night of the Living Lollipop
No clue
No cure

Addison Gerth

 Tights trends are beautiful and are becoming a spring staple, wearing patterned tights with skirts and dresses is so festive and chic.  A simple black look becomes sexy and fun. Creative and bold designs adds endless outfit ideas. 

Las medias estampadas, hacen mas llamativo y divertido cualquier atuendo. Son cómodas, fáciles de llevar y añaden gran diversidad al armario. Primavera es temporada de medias y sobre todo de medias estampadas.
Leather black jacket: Mango / Black dress: Julio/ Stripped tights: Calzedonia / Heeled ankle boots: Sergio Rossi / Silver clutch: vintage: Gap / grey scarf: Handmade


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