Pennies from heaven

My sister in law gave me this leather jacket because was too small, together with a lot of beautiful dresses. Never bother to me when people to give me away clothes that they no longer want to use on the contrary, especially when is impeccable and especially as cute as this. The stockings were also an incidental finding in a little shop in a small town in Greece that seemed about to close and which were giving away everything.

Mi cuñada me regalo este saco porque ya no le quedaba, junto con un montón de vestidos preciosos. Nunca me ha sentado mal que la gente me regale ropa que ya no quiere usar, al contrario, especialmente cuando esta impecable y sobre todo tan linda como esta. Las medias también fueron un hallazgo fortuito, en una pequeña tienda de una pequeña ciudad en Grecia que parecía estar a punto de cerrar y donde estaban rematándolo todo.
jacket: Milano / shirt: Zara / gloves: H&M / vest: Capacity / skirt: Mango


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