Beautiful Klein

Eras of Yves Klein

The Era of the Deciding That Line Is Jealous Of Colour Line Is A Tourist In Space
The Era of the Blue Obsession
The Era of Making a Myth of Oneself
The Era of Patenting International Klein Blue (henceforth IKB)
The Era of the End of Gravity and Beginning of Levitation
The Era of One-Minute Fire Paintings 

Anne Carson

  The Klein blue is a vibrant and charismatic color with an interesting history behind it and also, a bit difficult to wear. Although I am tempted sometimes to arrange some monochromatic outfit (a bit Yves Klein stuff) I rather balance it with some other neutral colors. Like a vintage gray coat and a wool Mexican rebozo.
El azul Klein es un hermoso color con una interesante historia detrás, aunque un poco difícil de combinar. Si bien de pronto se me antoja usar un atuendo totalmente monocromático (un poco Yves Klein) en general se equilibra otro color neutral. Como esta chaqueta vintage gris y un rebozo mexicano de lana.

  Gray vintage coat: Taylored-made / black turtleneck: H&M men / black mittens: H&M / blue trousers: Calvin Klein / white purse: In Wear / handmade wool rebozo: Artesanías Tápame



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