Taste of tartan
I have always been fascinated by hats, caps, berets and everything covering my head . One of the few things I enjoy about Nordic winter is I have the chance to wear a different one every day. I started over-using them as a child and I have accumulated quite a diverse and colourful collection, many of them gift from people who know me well and they are always a hit. This one however, I stole it from my brother and I must say that he almost didn't complain , a 70's Vintage tartan hat customized by himself warm, and waterproof, perfect fo r the extremely co ld days of the winter. Desde siempre me han fascinado los sombreros, las gorras, boinas y similares. Una de las pocas cosas que disfruto del invierno nórdico es poder usar uno distinto cada día. Comencé abusando de ellos de niña y he acumulado una buena colección variopinta y colorida, muchos regalo de gente que me conoce bien y que sabe que siempre serán un acierto. Este en cambio, se lo robé a ...