
Showing posts from June, 2014

Silver blue sky

Shiny clothes are not anymore exclusive for a night out and they can always can make me you  feel special. This metallic jacket was a lucky found in thrift shop, and this sky blue boots are also unusual for a reason: they are a not matched pair, but nobody is looking at the floor, or does it? Por fortuna la ropa brillante ya no es exclusiva para salir en la noche y aun así siempre que la uso me hace sentir especial. Esta chamarra metálica fue un afortunado hallazgo en un mercadillo de ropa de segunda mano y las botas azul cielo son también especiales aunque por una razón distinta: no son iguales la una a la otra; pero al fin y al cabo nadie va mirando al piso ¿ o si? Silver jacket: Spencer Down / trousers: Kappahl / boots: Bronx R / cross body purse: Overstock / t-shirt: H&M / turtleneck: cubus

Wine and roses

  Burgundy is the name of a wine but also the name of a color, and both are rich and warm. Popular in fashion during the last couple of decades the burgundy color can go between purple and brownish and is always smooth and classy. Also called auburn, wine or oxblood it is considered very European, maybe because is the name of a region in France, furthermore now is on the cover of every passport in the EU.    At the beginning I hesitated about mixing burgundy with orange & gray roses mini dress, but I ended loving the outcome, and I liked even more with this vintage maroon bonnet, a present from a good friend of mine. El burgundy o borgoña, tanto el vino como el color, son ambos ricos y cálidos. Popularizado durante las dos ultimas décadas por la industria de la moda, el color burgundy puede fluctuar hacia un tono mas morado o mas café. También se le llama guinda, rojo burdeos, granate o color vino y se considera intrínsecamente europeo, ...