I just read a photography article (http://digital-photography-school.com/colour-contrast-making-the-most-of-orange-and-blue/) talking about the importance of combining contrasting colors to achieve powerful images. In particular mentioned the qualities of the combination of blue and orange color: "The coldness of the blue tones emphasises the warmth of the orange ones, and viceversa”. I certainly aspired to a lot less when I put together this combination, I just wanted to feel comfortable to take a long walk, enjoying really nice day because there are very few in these northern lands. Acabo de leer un articulo articulo de fotografía (http://digital-photography-school.com/colour-contrast-making-the-most-of-orange-and-blue/) donde hablan de la importancia de combinar colores que contrasten para lograr imágenes poderosas. En particular mencionan cuan afortunada resulta la combinación de azul y naranja “la frialdad de los tonos azules, empatiza con la calidez de los ...